Цитологія і генетика 1989, том 23, № 1, 9-13
Cytology and Genetics , том , № , , doi: https://www.doi.org/

Сравнительное изучение мутагенной активности дикурина на пяти тест-объектах

Куринный А. И., Масник Л. И., Львова Т. С.

Mutagenic activity of dicourol belonging to coumarol derivatives has been studied on 5 test-objects (mice, cultivated lymphocytes of human blood, yeast-saccharomycetes, Tradescantia, Crepis). Results of investigations allowed attributing dicourol to highly hazardous mutagens. In this connection it is admitted unadvisable to enforce it into agricultural practice. The tested objects differ in their dicourol mutagenic sensibility as follows: cultivated lymphocytes of human blood - Tradescantia - yeast - Crepis - mice.

Ключові слова:

Цитологія і генетика
1989, том 23, № 1, 9-13

Current Issue
Cytology and Genetics
, том , № , ,

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