Цитологія і генетика 1989, том 23, № 1, 51-55
Cytology and Genetics , том , № , , doi: https://www.doi.org/

Динамика микроэволюционных процессов при использовании свиней различного типа в условиях промышленного комплекса

Плахотников А. Г., Яременко В. И., Герасименко В. В.

Breeding of pigs in a closed herd during three generations under industrial complex conditions does not essentially increase the number of animals with homozygous genotypes of polymorphic systems of blood groups. One of the possible causes of this phenomenon is selection favourable to animals with a higher heterozygosity.

Ключові слова:

Цитологія і генетика
1989, том 23, № 1, 51-55

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Cytology and Genetics
, том , № , ,

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