Цитологія і генетика 1989, том 23, № 1, 36-39
Cytology and Genetics , том , № , , doi: https://www.doi.org/

Действие отбора на гетерозиготность сельскохозяйственных животных

Рожков Ю. И., Охапкин С. К., Воробьев Э. Г., Безенко С. П., Галимов И. Р., Пискунов О. Д., Рожкова Л. В.

A stabilizing selection which is made in cattle according to phenotypic characters affects simultaneously a genetic character--the level of individual heterozygosity++. As a result animals with mean (modal) level of heterozygosity++ have the least probability of elimination. Similarly, the driving selection in pigs and horses leads to a change in both phenotypic characters and genetic character, the level of individual heterozygosity++. In this case the most heterozygous animals have the least probability of elimination.

Ключові слова:

Цитологія і генетика
1989, том 23, № 1, 36-39

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Cytology and Genetics
, том , № , ,

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