SUMMARY. It is well known that the SNF1-related protein kinase-1 (SnRK1) subfamily is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and energy balance. These enzymes are multifunctional and can participate in many other important cellular processes. In this work, the role of protein kinases SnRK1 (KIN10 and KIN11) in the regulation of the cell division of Arabidopsis tha-liana was studied. For this purpose, A. thaliana kin10 and kin11 knockout lines ( were used. The cells of these mutant lines exhibited the low mitotic index. The expression level of the cell pro-liferation markers – CYCB1, 1 (cyclin B) and plant BRCA1 homolog (Breast Cancer Suppressor Protein) was reduced too. A significantly smaller mitotic index and expression level of CYCB1, 1 and BRCA1 genes were found in the mutants that were grown under energy starvation conditions. High level of expression of CYCB1, 1/BRCA1 and KIN10/KIN11 genes in A. thaliana cell suspension culture was also revealed in comparison to Arabidopsis seedlings. Obtained data may indicate the possible role of protein kinases KIN10/KIN11 in regulation of cell proliferative activity.
Keywords: protein kinases, Arabidopsis thaliana, SnRK1, KIN10, KIN11, gene expression, mitotic markers, cell division
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