Genetic transformation of the moss Ceratodon purpureus by novel polyсationic carriers of DNAPotapova N.A., Pustovoit S.P., Yusupov R.R. Analysis of nucleotide sequences of cytochrome C oxidase 1 (CO1) gene of Arctic Liopsetta glacialis and striped Liopsetta pinnifasciata flounder (Pleuronectidae) of the Sea of OkhotskRajakumaran P., Vaseeharan B., Jayakumar R., Chidambara R. Conformation of phylogenetic relationship of Penaeidae shrimp based on Morphometric and Molecular investigationsBednarskaya I.A., Popov V.N., Dugar Yu.N., Akinina G.E., Dolgova T.A. ISSR analysis of some species of angustifoliate fescueМosula M.Z., Konvalyuk I.I., Mel'nyk V.М., Drobyk N.М., Tsaryk Y.V., Nesteruk Yu.Y., Kunakh V.A. Genetic polymorphism of Gentiana lutea L. (Gentianaceae) populations from Chornohora ridge of Ukrainian CarpathiansGultyaev A., Redchuk T., Korolova A., Kozeretska I. P element temperature-specific transposition: a model for possible regulation of mobile elements activity by pre-mRNA secondary structureDmitrenko V.V., Iershov A.V., Stetsyuk P.I., Lyhovid A.P., Laptin Yu.P., Mekler A.A., Кавсан V.M. Determination of molecular glіoblastoma subclasses on the basis of analysis of gene expressionNikulina V.V., Garmanchuk L.V., Senchylo N.V., Nikolaenko T.V., Dzhus O.I., Ostapchenko L.I., Khranovska N.M. Combined influence of teichoic acids from Staphylococcus aureus and heterometallik Cu/Сd ethylenediamine complex on peritoneal macrophages and tumor cellsKalaev V., Artyukhov V., Nechaeva М. Micronucleus test of human oral buccal epithelium: problems, progress and prospects
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