Цитологія і генетика 1987, том 21, № 5, 335-338
Cytology and Genetics , том , № , , doi: https://www.doi.org/

Наследование устойчивости к меланозу у гибридов проса первого поколения

Константинов С. И., Григоращенко Л. В.

SUMMARY. The studies have shown that melanopathy — the millet disease, is inherited by F1 hybrids mainly intermediately. A dominance of the resistance or susceptibility is observed in some instances. The environmental effect on the character of the dominance manifestation is shown as well. It is found that the greatest percentage of the resistant F1 hybrids may be obtained by means of crossing the resistant parents with the intermediate genotypes.

Ключові слова:

Цитологія і генетика
1987, том 21, № 5, 335-338

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Cytology and Genetics
, том , № , ,

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