Цитологія і генетика 1989, том 23, № 3, 57-62
Cytology and Genetics , том , № , , doi: https://www.doi.org/

Частота фенотипов и генов полиморфных систем крови в популяции в зависимости от возрастного фактора

Мозалевский А. Ф., Ющенко Г. К., Дудина Е. А.

The frequency of blood groups ABO, Rh, MNS, P, haptoglobin as well as distribution of phenotypic combinations of two different loci are compared in groups of children and adults. The frequency of phenotype O, Rh-negative and P-positive people is revealed to increase in adults, that testifies to the influence of the age factor on the distribution of the human polymorphic blood systems.

Ключові слова:

Цитологія і генетика
1989, том 23, № 3, 57-62

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Cytology and Genetics
, том , № , ,

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