The alien germplasm presented by different wild wheat relatives such as Ae.umbellulata (UU, 2n=14), Ae. cylindrica (CCDD, 2n=28), Ae.tauschii (DD, 2n=14), Ae.ventricosa (DDUnUn, 2n=28), Ae.variabilis (UUSS, 2n=28), T. palmovae (AADD, 2n=28) was involved into interspecific crosses with T.aestivum to produce transfers of exotic Gli/Glu-alleles to cultivated bread wheat varieties. The array of novel exotic Gli/Glu-alleles was introduced into cultivated wheat genome. Considerable negative as well as positive influence of some exotic alleles on bread-making quality characters or endosperm texture was observed. The original interspecific material with improved quality characteristics was recommended to be applied for wheat breeding.