Cytology and Genetics ,
vol. ,
no. , ,
Male to female ratio (sex ratio, SR) for 1,329 liveborns with Down syndrome and for 178,160 newborns from the general population of St. Petersburg, Russia was determined as a function of a mother age. Male prevalence (an overall SR of 1.24) was found in children with all trisomy 21 variants except the cases with mosaicism (the ratio of 0.88). The most expressed male predominance was determined in children of mothers aged 20–24 years, where SR was 1.73 in the total group (p=0.00003) and 1.61 in the cases with free trisomy (p=0.0007). Some hypotheses concerning the male accumulation in this group are discussed including a suggestion that the SR deviations from the population value 1.06 might be due to different contribution of paternal chromosomal non-disjunction during spermatogenesis.