Production of Potato Cybrids without Using Genetic Selectable Markers of the Parental Material: Solanum tuberosum L. Plants (cv. Svitanok Kyivsky) with S. pinnatisectum Dun. PlastidsGolovko A. Genetic variability of somatic embryogenesis in tissue cultures of sugar beet breeding linesChebotar’ S. V., Sivolap Yu. M. Differentiation, Identification and Development of Database of T. aestivum L. Varieties of Ukrainian Selection on the Basis of STMS-AnalysisPirko Ya. V., Korshikov I. I. Genetic Structure, Variability and Differentiation of the Pinus sylvestris L. Populations in the Ukrainian Carpathians and RastochiyeBobak Ya. P., Kimak N. Ya., Maksymiv D. V., Chernyk Ya. I., Shcherbata G. R. Analysis of Brain Morphological Changes Induced by Ethyl Methanesulfonate in Drosophila melanogasterPonomareva A. V., Matveeva V. G., Osipova L. P. The Spectrum of Chromosomal Aberrations in Man Detected by the Routine and Differential (GTG) StainingKovaleva N. V., Butomo I. V., Кrblein А. Sex Ratio in Down Syndrome. Studies in Patients with Confirmed Trisomy 21Kalantari P., Sepehri H., Behjati F., Ashtiani Z. O., Taghi Akbari M. Chromosomal Studies in Infertile MenIsakova L. M., Dzhevadova I. V. Structural-Functional Peculiarities of Nucleolar-Organazing Regions of Cell Interphase Nuclei under HemoblastosisGusak V. K., Vasil'ev R. G., Zubov D. A., Slipchenko I. O., Korchak O. M., Popandopulo A. G. The Role of Polypeptide Growth Factors in Regulation of Epidermis Keratinocyte Proliferation
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