To the attention of the authors
The journal Cytology and Genetics represents the new guidelines of submitting the articles to the editor’s office:
Since July 16, 2020, all manuscripts should be submitted in Ukrainian or English.
The article in the docx or doc format (MS Word or another text editor) should be sent to the editorial office using electronic media (e-mail, font size should be 14, line spacing – 1.5.
The article should be accompanied with the official referral from the institution and the copyright assignment agreement (to be filled in separately by each author with his/her obligatory original signature; all the data, required from the author, should be indicated) which should be sent by e-mail or delivered personally by the author to the editorial office. The manuscript will not be reviewed without the agreements. The sample can be found at [Download]. If the article is rejected, the agreement will become invalid automatically.
The article will undergo obligatory double confidential reviewing. While communicating with the reviewer, the author should give detailed answers to all the reviewer’s questions in the accompanying letter and highlight the corrected places in the electronic article with another color.
The volume of experimental articles, including all the materials, should be at least 12–15 pages, the reviews should not be more than 25–30 pages long. The formulas, special scientific symbols, inferior and superior indexes, Latin names of biological objects should be in italics.
The article in the English language should include an abstract (1,800 characters), text, references, tables, figures, keywords, data about the authors/coauthors (surname, name, patronymic name, e-mail), name and correspondence address of the institution, where the work has been completed, contact e-mail for correspondence with translators and employees of the editorial board (indicated with the asterisk).
Illustrative material.
The figures should be inserted within the text for the convenience of reviewing. In addition, the authors should provide the figures of typeset quality in the electronic form, raster graphics (photographs) in tif or jpg format, vector graphics (diagrams, charts) in cdr format – CorelDRAW version 14 (X4) or an older version, or in the Excel file. The article with figures of low resolution or quality, unacceptable for printing, may be rejected on any stage of the publication process. All figures should be enumerated in the sequence, corresponding to their mention in the text, and linked to the legends by numbers. The number of illustrations: review – up to 10; experimental article – up to 6. The number of tables in the reviews and experimental articles should not exceed 6 and 3, respectively. The editorial board may suggest transferring some tables or figures into the supplementary materials, which will be published only in the electronic form at the journal website.
The material will be published in the author’s edition.
We ask you to pay particular attention to the list of references.
Since No. 1, 2021, the rules of citing the references will be changed: the journal will form the lists of references according to Springer Basic Style cda/content/document/ cda_downloaddocument/ Key_Style_Points_BasicRef.pdf
Please find the example below:
In the alphabetical order, without any enumeration
Smith J, Jones M Jr, Houghton L et al (1999) Future of health insurance. N Engl J Med 965:325–329
Slifka MK, Whitton JL (2000) Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production. J Mol Med. doi:10.1007/s001090000086
At the place of mentioning in the text, without enumeration (Smith et al, 1999).
The references inside the brackets within the text of the article should be in the chronological order, not in the alphabetical order; if the references are dated the same year then they are placed in the alphabetical order (Тorei, 1998; Helfman, 2001; Atiel, 2012).
The main criterion of forming the list of references should be their availability on the Internet.
DOI (if available) is a mandatory element of the list of references.
As a rule, the references should be as recent as possible. It is allowed to have not more than 25 % of self-citation from the total amount of the cited references. The number of references to the sources which do not have DOI identifiers but are present in the Internet should be minimal.
The cited monographs should be available for readers, the authors should refer to specific sections and pages.
The authors may not refer to synopses of theses, materials of congresses and conferences.
The references to Internet resources should be made directly in the text of the article.
We are asking you to avoid citing text fragments which may be viewed as self-plagiarism or plagiarism – these issues are checked very thoroughly.
An obligatory element of the manuscript (placed prior to the references) is the data about financing of the work, the presence of any conflict of interests and adherence to ethical principles while working with humans and animals.
Note. The references to the articles, published in Cytology and Genetics journal should be made according to the English-speaking version