SUMMARY. The review examines the main stages of cytokinin biosynthesis and metabolism with an emphasis on the important role of cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase (CKO/CKX) in cytokinin degradation. In this context, arguments are made for the crucial importance of this enzyme in maintaining a balanced level of cytokinins in plants. The role of CKX genes encoding cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase in determining plant resistance to abiotic stress factors and their yield was analyzed. The molecular genetic ways of regulating the activity of CKX genes are characterized. The results of research on the regulation of CKO/CKX activity in increa-sing the resistance to abiotic stress and crop yield are summarized and the biotechnological ways of realizing such opportunities are described. Prospects for finding substances that inhibit CKO/CKX activity with the aim of creating preparations for agriculture are outlined separately. Prospective chemical inhibitors of CKO/CKX and their effects on cultivated plants are considered.
Keywords: cytokinins, biosynthesis, degradation, cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase, CKO/CKX, CKX genes, activity regulation, abiotic stresses, tolerance, productivity

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