Festuca species have been used for forage, turf, soil conservation and ornamental purpose, which highlighted the importance of these species. This study was conducted to determine genetic variability among the 48 accessions of fine-leaved fescue from different regions of Iran using ISSR markers. To understand genetic relationships among these accessions, unweight pair-group method (UPGMA) were applied to the ISSR marker data set. The ten ISSR primers amplified in total 189 loci for 48 Festuca ovina accessions. All of the amplified loci were polymorphic. A high level of genetic diversity was detected in Festuca ovina accessions with an average genetic diversity index of 1.522. The expected heterozygosity (He) for the primers varied from 0.153 to 0.347. According to the ISSR data, accessions grouped in two main and seven sub clusters. Results indicated that each of the main clusters include plants that demonstrate Green and Silver phenotypes. Little congruence between the groupings patterns of accessions of Festuca ovina based on ISSR markers data and categorization based on phenotypes as a Green and Silver, was observed. In conclusion results revealed the high genetic diversity among F.ovina accessions, which can be used for alternative conservation and breeding programs.
Keywords: Genetic diversity, ISSR, Festuca ovina
Full text and supplemented materials
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