The endosymbiotic bacteria Wolbachia are widespread in the natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster, a cosmopolitan and synanthropic species. Various aspects of Wolbachia infection are studied in many arthropod species including fruit fly. However, the influence of climatic factors on the level of Wolbachia infection in natural populations of fruit fly has not been studied in detail. We investigated the influence of mean temperature, precipitation, and potential evaporation on Wolbachia infection rates in the D. melanogaster populations. We combined newly obtained estimates of Wolbachia infection rates for 10 D. melanogaster populations of Europe with data from other articles for different continents from different climatic zones (280 populations – 1,086 isofemale lines). The influence of climatic factors on the frequency of infection was established. The highest infection levels are observed in the range of 20–25 ºC mean annual temperature, which corresponds to rearing conditions of the flies in the laboratory. Cline of levels of Wolbachia infection in the Eurasian fruit flies’ populations was found. Also, climatic factors have a more significant impact on bacterial infection levels in logistic regression models for climatic zones than for continents.
Keywords: Wolbachia, Drosophila melanogaster, endosymbiosis, climate factors

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