SUMMARY. The application effectiveness of the β-tubulin intron length polymorphism (TBP, Tubulin Based Polymor-phism) method for flax genotyping on the example of a sample of Ukrainian flax varieties was analyzed. For this purpose, the data obtained with the TBP-method was compared with data obtained using the two most effective species-specific SSR markers. Using both methods, not only inter-, but also intravarieties polymorphism of flax was investigated. For each variety the values of РІС (Polymorphism Information Content) were calculated, the range of allele sizes and the number of allele phenotypes detected by TBP and SSR markers were established. It is demonstrated that dendrograms based on the Ney and Lee similarity between varieties, using SSR- and TBP-markers, differ from each other. It was found that most Ukrainian flax varieties are genetically heterogeneous. High efficiency of the TBP method for flax genotypes differentiation was shown in comparison with SSR.
Keywords: molecular–genetic markers, TBP (tubulin base polymorphism), SSR (simple sequence repeats), Linum L., DNA fingerprinting