Indian walnut Aeluropus littoralis (Gouan) Parl. well known for its salt tolerance and forage quality, is a perennial monocot grass from Chlorideae tribe that shows a high potential to become an important genetic model. Although, Aeluropus germplasm is very rich in Iran; but is still unexplored. In this study, 20 ecotypes of A. littoralis were gathered from different geographic zones and a set 16 primers (ISSRs-AFLPs combined) was used for genetic diversity evaluation. A total of 635 fragments and 594 polymorphic fragments were produced (93.5 %) and modest levels of genetic similarity were found (ranging from 0.38 to 0.71) among ecotypes. The results showed an equal competition between the two markers on po-lymorphism detection, so both molecular techniques were able to distinguish the A. littoralis ecotypes. Furthermore, dendrogram based on both the Bayesian and PCoA analysis showed a clear discrimination and significant variation among ecotypes; however, molecular clustering indicated a weak concordance with geographical grouping. The amount of molecular diversity revealed by molecular markers for A. littoralis in this study can be exploited for pasture conservation programs and new forage crop development.
Keywords: Aeluropus littoralis, Germplasm, ISSRs-AFLPs, Molecular diversity, Molecular markers