SUMMARY. On the basis of the winter bread wheat variety Obryi, two independent disomic addition stocks BC12F∞ with the chromosome of E. sibiricus St genome have been creat-ed. A practical algorithm for determining the probabilities of transmission of odd chromosome through male and female gametes singly at self-pollination of he-mizygous hybrids has been proposed from the equation p2–(1 + f1–f4) × p + f1 = 0, where p is the probability of the formation of viable gametes with the chromosome; f1 and f4 – the empirical frequencies of the corresponding homozygotes with and without the character. The probability of transferring an alien univalent chromosome via pollen (p♂) is related to the frequency of its trans-mission via the egg (p♀) during the backcross and at self-pollination (1–f4) by the equation p♂ = 1– f4/(1–p♀). Calculated empirically dependent estimates of the pro-babilities of transmission of the added chromosome via the egg p♀ = 18,7 % and via the pollen p♂ = 4,3 % correspond to the empirical frequencies obtained on the backcrosses. The coefficients of the gamete selection V♀ = 0,748 and V♂ = 0,172 have been calculated, and the expected segregation on an alien character, controlled by a dominant gene located in the added chromosome has been determined – with the character : without the character = 0.222 : 0.778 in F2; 0.187 : 0.813 at equation and 0.043 : 0.957 at certation backcrosses.
Keywords: Triticum aestivum L., an added chromosome, phenotypic markers, gametes, zygotes, genetic analysis