SUMMARY. Genotyping of Kazakh milk camel Camelus dromedarius (n = 18) and meat camel Camelus bactrianus (n = 18) by loci for alpha-S1-casein (αs1-CN) and kappa-casein (κ-CN) genes using PCR-RFLP technique has been conducted. The authors proposed a new pair of PCR primers for amplification of a fragment of CSN3 gene with subsequent digestion of reaction products by AluI endonuclease restriction enzyme to identify genetic variations in the gene. DNA polymorphism at a kappa-casein gene has been detected whereas at the second gene, alpha S1, no polymorphism has been observed. The analysis of DNA fingerprinting data suggests that band sharing coefficient (BS) between two animal groups was relatively low counting to only 0.13, the genetic distance (D) between Camelus dromedarius and Camelus bactrianus was 0.305. The genotyping data performed on two Kazakh camel breeds by allele analysis at alpha S1 and kappa casein gene loci and by DNA fingerprinting suggest that individuals of the former camel breed were more genetically polymorphic that those of the latter.