SUMMARY. Based on the methods of classical and structural bio-informatics, nearest homologues of BRSK protein kinase was identified. The sequences were compared. The phylogenetic clustering and the analysis of domain architecture and compared spatial structures of human BRSK1 and KIN10 from A. thaliana was performed. The relationships of KIN10 with regulation of primary microtubule nucleation centres in A. thaliana were clarified. Considering obvious homology of plant KIN10 and mammalian BRSK1 we assume that this plant protein kinase may be associated with regulation of structure and function of primary microtubule nucleation centres. We assume that KIN10 is able to phosphorylate Arabidopsis γ-tubulin (TUBG1 and TUBG2) at Ser131, impacting on γTuSC monomer structure, as well as the assembly of γTuRC. The influence of this modification on TUBG1-GACP3 interaction was suggested.
Keywords: BRSK1, KIN10, phosporylation, homology, in silico, γ-tubulin, γTuSC, γTuRC