Cytology and Genetics ,
vol. ,
no. , ,
The lines of winter soft wheat developed in the Plant Breeding and Genetics Institute contain new effective introgressive Sr-genes. Line 85/06 possess SrAc1 gene, lines 47/06, 54/06, 82/06, 85/06, 87/06, 238/06, and 367/06 possess SrAc1 and SrAc2 derived from Aegilops cylindrica, line 352/06 — SrTe1 and SrTe2 from Triticum erebuni, line 12/86-04 — SrAd1 and SrAd2 from Amphidiploid 4 (Triticum dicoccoides × Triticum tauschii).
Keywords: wheat, lines, donors of resistance, stem rust, genes of resistance