Cytology and Genetics ,
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The allelic characteristics of the Gli-A1, Gli-B1, Gli-D1 and Glu-A3 loci of 14 bread wheat varieties and 6 near-isogenic lines derived from Bezostaya 1 have been detected by PCR analysis. The conformity of molecular-genetic data and electrophoresis of storage proteins has been determined: the allelic variants of gliadins Gli-A1o and Gli-A1m correspond to the PCR-allele GliA1.2, the gliadin variants Gli-A1f, Gli-A1b, Gli-A1c correspond to the PCR-allele GliA1.1, the allelic variants Gli-B1b, Gli-B1d – to the PCR-аllele GliВ1.1 and the variants Gli-B1e, Gli-B1g, Gli-B1c – to the PCR-allele GliВ1.2. A new PCR-allele at the Gli-B1 locus in the line Gli-B1–12 (with the gliadin block Gli-B1o from Levent) was identified.