Comparative analysis of one amphymictic diploid Carassius auratus, three apomictic triploid C. gibelio and hybrid triploid Carassius auratus–gibelio forms of gold fish was performed at the complex of characteristics of developmental stability: morphological variation, fluctuating asymmetry and phenodeviations. It was found that C. gibelio forms are characterized by lower levels both of morphological variation and fluctuating asymmetry and more rare cases of morphological abnormalities. A hybrid form Carassius auratus–gibelio was characterized by the intermediate values of the mentioned above features. It is emphasized that phenotypic stabilization of apomictic forms is a consequence of two factors action: its clone structure and actually developmental canalization. It is specified that promoted genetic homeostasis of C. gibelio forms does not give obvious adaptive advantages as in the basic river basins of East and Central Europe they are everywhere ousted by an amphimictic C. auratus.