The data on in vitro culture establishment and on estimation of callus formation and plant regeneration for eight barley Hordeum vulgare varieties (Getman, Tabora, Adagio, Galactic, Europrestige, Korona, Nevada and Stalker) zoned in Ukraine is represented. Mature embryos of these genotypes were used to study the callus induction and plant regeneration. Using of this approach can rather simplify and intensify the work. Medium, that consists of MS salts supplemented with caseine hydrolysate (1 g/L), L-proline (690 mg/L), thiamine-НСІ (1 mg/L), maltose (30 g/L), 2,4-D (2 mg/L), CuSO4 (12.5 mg/L), myoinositol (250 mg/l), gerlite (3,5 g/L) pH 5,6–5,8 was used for both callus formation and plant regeneration. Formation of callus from mature embryos was observed in all studied varieties and showed high frequency (from 65 ± 3,4 % to 100 %). It was found that cultivars Korona (88 ± 2,8 %), Europrestige (89 ± 6,5 %), Tabora (93 ± 3,4 %), Getman (99 ± 0,8 %) and Nevada (100 %) had the highest regeneration potential. Organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis were the two ways of plant regeneration from callus tissues in barley. The highest general regeneration potential of cultivar Getman (50 ± 5 %) was observed. This cultivar was selected for the further work for development of effective genetic transformation protocol.