International symposium «Biosafety Issues in Implementation of Genetically Modified Organisms: New Research Approaches, Regulation and Public Perception» and its appeal for support of agricultural biology developmentJames Clive The global status of the commercialized biotechnological/genetically modified crops: 2006Christov N.K., Yoneyama S., Shimamoto Y., Imai R. Differential expression of wheat genes during cold acclimationBrychkova G.G., Shishlova A.M., Maneshina T.V., Kartel N.A. The tolerance of tobacco genetically modified plants to aluminiumYemets A.I., Blume Ya.B. Plant mutant tubulin genes as marker selective genes for genetic engineeringGoldenkova-Pavlova I.V., Mirahorli N., Maali A.R., Isaenko E., Kartel N.A., Yur`eva N.O., Abdeeva I.A. Experimantal models for creation of transgenic plants resistant to stress factorsKuchuk N.V. Transgenic, transplastomic and transient approaches for foreign gene expression in plantsAbdeeva I.A., Goldenkova-Pavlova I.V., Mokryakova M.V., Volkova L.V., Bogush V.G., Sidoruk K.V., Yur`eva N.O., Debabov V.G., Pirusyan E.S. Experimantal models of transgenic plants promising for the modern technologiesMallabaeva D.Sh., Ignatov A.N., Sheiko I.A., Isikov V.P., Geluyta V.P., Boiko N.G., Seryapin A.A., Dorokhov D.B. The use of RAPD and ITE molecular markers to study genetical structure of the Crimean population of Triticum boeoticum BoissNedoluzhko A.V., Dorokhov D.B. investigation of genetically modified soybean biosafety in the Center of the Origin and Diversity of Russian Far East
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