Ultrastructural Changes of Thrombocytes During ADP-Stimulated Aggregation (in the Presence of Fibrinogen)Tarasenko L. V., Gvilava M. N., Bannikova V. P. Ultrastructural Reorganizations in Micro- and Megaspores of AngiospermsPopova A. F., Shnyukova E. I. An Ultrastructure of Plastids, Fractional Composition and Specific Activity of Amylases in Chlorella Cells under Conditions of ClinostatationKharlamova N. G., Bardakhchyan E. A. Ultrastructural Changes in Alveolar Macrophages of Rats as Affected by Escherichia coli EndotoxinGuskov E. P., Dvorkina R. M., Belichenko N. I. Endogeneous Mechanisms for Protection of the Plant Meristema Cells from the Genotoxic Nature of Hyperbaric OxygenationPukhalsky V. A., Lapochkina I. F. The Effect of Aegilops speltoides Tausch. on the Character of Chromosome Pairing in Hybrids Obtained with Triticum aestivum L. ParticipationSavchenko V. I., Ivanov Yu. N., Budovsky N. F., Bratash A. N., Taran M. S. Male Sterility of Winter Wheat Plants under the Ethrel EffectChopikashvili L. V., Bobyleva L. A., Zolotareva G. N. Genotoxic Effects of Heavy Metals and Their Salts in the Experiment on Drosophila and MammaliaShiryaeva E. I., Yarmolyuk G. I., Kulik A. G., Chervyakova V. V. Apomixis in Self-Pollinated Lines of Sugar Beet and Its Application in Heterosis BreedingZhirov E. G., Ternovskaya T. K. Could a Competitor Be in Wheat Genome D?Marunenko I. M., Kuchko A. A. Callusgenesis and Embryoidogenesis in the Culture of Potato AnthersStolbova N. G. Genetic Variability of Cracilaria verrucosa (Rhodophyta) Floating Forms in the Black SeaMozalevsky A. F., Yushchenko G. K., Dudina E. A. The Frequency of Phenotypes and Genes of the Polymorphic Blood Systems in a Population as Dependent on the Age FactorMozhilevsky P. L. Significance of Genetic and Environmental Factors in Realization of the Hereditary Potential of Record-Holding Cows' LongevityLvova T. S. Comparative Studies of the Recombinogenic Action of Some Pesticides on Yeasts in the Absence and Presence of Metabolic ActivationVesmanova O. Ya., Semykina E. E., Koblov R. K., Ergashev A.-K. Studies in the Cytogenetic Activity of the Butilcaptax Defoliant Transformation Product
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