To the attention of the authors

Dear authors! When sending your manuscript to the editors, please read the rules for submission carefully. We will not consider manuscripts that do not comply with our rules.

All manuscripts must be submitted in Ukrainian or English. An article in docx or doc format (MS Word or another text editor) must be sent to the editors on an electronic medium (e-mail, the font size must be 14, line spacing - 1.5. The article must be accompanied by an official referral from the institution and an agreement on the transfer of copyright (filled out separately by each author with his or her original signature; all data required from the author must be indicated), which must be sent by e-mail or handed over by the author in person to the editors. Manuscripts without agreements will not be considered. A sample can be found on the website [Download].

In case of rejection of the article, the agreement automatically becomes invalid. The article will undergo mandatory double confidential peer review. When communicating with the reviewer, the author must provide detailed answers to all the reviewer's questions in the cover letter and highlight the corrected areas in the electronic article in a different color. The volume of experimental articles, including all materials, must be at least 12-15 pages, reviews should not exceed 25-30 pages.

Formulas, special scientific symbols, subscripts and superscripts, Latin names of biological objects should be highlighted in italics. An article in English must include an abstract (1800 characters), text, list of references, tables, figures, keywords, information about the authors/co-authors (last name, first name, patronymic, email address), name and postal address of the institution where the work was done, contact email address for correspondence with translators and editorial staff (indicated by an asterisk).

Illustrative material. Figures should be inserted into the text for ease of review. In addition, authors should provide typesetting quality figures in electronic form, raster graphics (photographs) in tif or jpg format, vector graphics (diagrams, graphs) in cdr format - CorelDRAW version 14 (X4) or earlier, or in an Excel file. An article with low-resolution or quality figures unacceptable for printing may be rejected at any stage of the publication process. All figures should be numbered in the sequence corresponding to their mention in the text, and linked to the captions with numbers. Number of illustrations: review - up to 10; experimental article - up to 6.

The number of tables in reviews and experimental articles should not exceed 6 and 3, respectively. The editors may suggest moving some tables or figures to supplementary materials, which will be published only in electronic form on the journal's website. The material will be published in the author's version.

 Please pay special attention to the list of references and citations in the text of the article. Please follow the Sprіnger rules. This is a mandatory requirement

The main criterion for forming the list of references should be the availability of a source on the Internet.

DOI is a mandatory element of the list of references.

As a rule, references should be as new as possible. No more than 25% of self-citations from the total number of cited references are allowed. The number of references to sources that do not have DOI identifiers, but are present on the Internet, should be minimal.

Cited monographs should be accessible to readers, authors should refer to specific sections and pages.

Authors cannot refer to abstracts of dissertations, materials of congresses and conferences.

References to Internet resources should be made directly in the text of the article.

Please avoid quoting text fragments that may be considered self-plagiarism or plagiarism - these issues are checked very carefully.

A mandatory element of the manuscript (placed before the list of references) is information about the funding of the work, the presence of a conflict of interest and compliance with ethical principles when working with people and animals. If you have not worked with people and animals - in this element, please provide this information

When working with people and animals, please provide us with a copy of the permission and include the required COPE information: protocol number, name of the bioethics committee in English and the date of approval. This information is mandatory

Note. Your references to articles published in the journal Cytology and Genetics should be formatted according to the English version