TSitologiya i Genetika 2023, vol. 57, no. 1, 3-16
Cytology and Genetics 2023, vol. 57, no. 1, 1–11, doi: https://www.doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3103/S0095452723010103

New genetic variation related to wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) breeding for quality

Rybalka O.I., Morhun V.V., Morgun B.V., Polyshchuk S.S., Chervonis M.V., Sokolov V.M.

  1. Breeding and Genetic Institute – National Center of Seed Science and variety study of the NAAS of Ukraine, 3, Ovidiopolska doroga, 65036 Odesa
  2. Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics of the NAS of Ukraine, 03022 Kyiv, st. Vasylkivska, 31/17
  3. Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of the NAS of Ukraine, 03143 Kyiv, str. Akademika Zabolotny, 148

SUMMARY. The article describes new genetic variants of Gli-/Glu-loci encoding the biosynthesis of gluten proteins, according to their influence on the basic indicators of baking quality of wheat flour used in breeding programs of high baking quality varieties. The methods of obtaining wheat breeding material by remote crosses were used, new alleles of Gli-/Glu-loci were identified by A-PAGE, mini-SDS-PAGE, PCR test, SDS-30K sedimentation, dough elasticity was determined by the Chopin alveograph test. The effect of new introgressions of Gli-D1ts, Gli-D1cyl and Gli-B1null alleles, Gpc-B1 gene from wild emmer T. dicoccoides, extra-expressions of Glu-A1x2* and Glu-D1x5 and deletions of Glu-D1x5-null on basic breeding traits of wheat quality, the value of W ‘strength’ of flour, and the elasticity index of the dough Ie% was studied. The positive effect of rye locus substitution Sec-1 on wheat cluster Gli-B1/Glu-B3 in the short arm of the modified chromosome-engineered central rye-wheat translocation 1RSm.1BL and 1RSm.1BLal on the basic breeding characteristics of bakery quality was shown. Extra-expression and deletion of the HMW-GS Glu-D1x5 subunit indicate the role of the latter as a critical determinant of the baking quality of wheat flour. Modified rye-wheat translocation 1RSm.1BL (1RSm.1BLal) with the eliminated locus Sec-1 should be used in wheat breeding for quality and resistance to leaf diseases. New genetic factors of positive effect on the characteristics of flour quality are recommended for use in breeding programs to create wheat varieties with high baking quality.

Keywords: пшениця, селекція, хлібопекарська якість, Gli-/Glu-локуси, екстра-експресія, Glu-A1x2*, інтрогресія Gli-D1ts, Gli-D1cyl, делеція Gli-B1null, Glu-D1x5null, Gpc-B1, транслокація 1RSm.1BL

TSitologiya i Genetika
2023, vol. 57, no. 1, 3-16

Current Issue
Cytology and Genetics
2023, vol. 57, no. 1, 1–11,
doi: https://doi.org/10.3103/S0095452723010103

Full text and supplemented materials


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