TSitologiya i Genetika 2023, vol. 57, no. 6, 60-72
Cytology and Genetics 2023, vol. 57, no. 6, 567–578, doi: https://www.doi.org/https://doi.org/10.3103/S0095452723060063

Hylogenetic relationships of naked amoeba, found in natural biotopes

Patsiuk M.

  • Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University 40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomyr, Ukraine

SUMMARY. Using morphological traits and molecular-genetic research methods, we identified 24 species of naked amoeba from natural biotopes. The sequences of gene 18S rRNA were obtained for the following naked amoeba: Amoeba proteus isolate AP07 (ON907618), Saccamoeba limax isolate SLU_22 (OP894078), Saccamoeba limax isolate SL_Uk19 (OQ520144), Saccamoeba sp. strain IDL777 (MZ079370), Thecamoeba striata isolate THS19 (OQ134482), Thecamoeba striata isolate THS20 (OQ134483), Thecamoeba similis isolate from the Prut river (OL604177), Thecamoeba similis isolate from Baggersee Innsbruck (Baggersee Rossau) (OL604178), Thecamoeba quadrilineata isolate THQD2 (ON398269), Thecamoeba quadrilineata isolate THQA1 (ON398268), Thecamoeba sp. strain THS203 (MZ079371), Stenamoeba stenopodia isolate UKSS7 (OP375108), Stenamoeba stenopodia isolate POLSS7 (OP419588), Korotnevella stella isolate KSD2 (ON398267), Korotnevella stella isolate KSA1 (ON398266), Vexillifera bacillipedes isolate from the Dnieper river (OK649262), Vannella lata isolate from the Kamenka river (OL305063), Vannella lata isolate from the Varta river (OL305064), Vannella sp. strain VLS303 (MZ079372), Vannella simplex isolate from the Black Sea (OM403052), Vannella simplex isolate from the Mediterranean Sea (OM403053), Ripella sp. strain RPL100 (MZ079369), Mayorella vespertilioides isolate MV_7 (OP739500), Mayorella sp. isolate MY_7 (OP729930), Acanthamoeba sp. strain ATM123 (MZ079366), Acanthamoeba sp. isolate from the Elbe river (OK649261), Acanthamoeba polyphaga isolate AcPoly01 (ON908497), Acanthamoeba polyphaga isolate AcPoly15 (ON908496), Acanthamoeba griffini isolate from the Black sea (OM522832), Acanthamoeba griffini isolate from the Mediterranean Sea (OM522833), Cochliopodium actinophorum strain COP101 (MZ079367), Cochliopodium minus isolate from the Stokhid river (OK649264), Cochliopodium sp. strain COP102 (MZ079368), Vahlkampfia avara isolate VA7 (OP179657), Willaertia magna isolate from the Teteriv river (OK649263). All the species of naked amoeba in the phylogenetic tree, built using gene 18S rRNA, are within Amoebozoa, united into groups Tubulinea and Discosea. There are separate groups of freshwater, sea and land biotopes; these groups are sister species with low results of bootstrap analysis, which demonstrates low probability of remoteness of some amoeba species, found in different natural biotopes.

Keywords: naked amoeba, morphology, gene 18S rRNA, phylogeny, natural biotopes

TSitologiya i Genetika
2023, vol. 57, no. 6, 60-72

Current Issue
Cytology and Genetics
2023, vol. 57, no. 6, 567–578,
doi: https://doi.org/10.3103/S0095452723060063

Full text and supplemented materials


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