The karyotype characteristics of 24 taxa of Iranian Astragalus genus from different geographic origins were studied and their relation with a systematic classification of studied taxa was discussed. Chromosome numbers based on x = 8 were found in all of the taxa. Diploid (2n = 2x = 16) and tetraploid (2n = 4x = 36) chromosome number, were recorded in 12 taxa representing nine species, and in 12 taxa representing six species, respectively. The degree of karyotype asymmetric is set by values of A1, AR, CI, TF%, SA%, and LA%. So, the most value of A1, AR , LA% and the most value of CI, TF%, SA% were shown in A. stevianus (accession 20105) and A. cyclophyllon (accession 18375), respectively. The size of chromosomes in the studied taxa, ranging between 1.930µ in A. cyclophyllon (accession 18375) and 4.095µ in A. bombycinus (accession 20114). By using Ward cluster analysis, the relation of studied taxa based on karyotype characteristic was shown. In this plot, all of the taxa were located in four groups on karyotype characteristics similarity. Then this grouping was compared with their traditional systematic classification.
Keywords: Astragalus, Chromosome, Iran, karyotype, Systematics

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