SUMMARY. It was analyzed polymorphism of DNA loci, flanked by inverted repeats of LTR retrotransposon Cassandra, in cell lines of bread wheat, resistant to the metabolites of op-hiobolus root rot (G. graminis var. tritici), under osmotic stress and induced from them plant-regenerants. The dif-ferences in the polynucleotide sequences of DNA at the direct and step cell selection it was identified. Assessment of the level of genetic divergence showed that calluses obtain ned at the direct selection and calluses in the later stages of step selection were the most genetically distant from the original forms (DNL = 0,4855), this means that at the sublethal doses of selective factors occur the most significant changes at the genome of the investigated objects. In contrast to the original form at the spectra of products DNA amplification of calluses and regenerated plants showed the emergence of bands approximately 638 bp length, which may indicate the activation of retrotransposon Cassandra.