TSitologiya i Genetika 2014, vol. 48, no. 3, 18-23
Cytology and Genetics 2014, vol. 48, no. 3, 150–154, doi: https://www.doi.org/10.3103/S0095452714030037

Bioinformatic analysis of maize granule-bound starch synthase gene

Baranov Yu.O., Slischuk G.I., Volkova N.E., Sivolap Y.M.

SUMMARY. Local alignment of Wx gene and its homolog sequences has been conducted. Phylogenetic dendrogram displaying evolutionary relationship between Poaceae members has been built basing on results of the alignment. Ancient Wx gene transfer from Zea mays to Dimeria lawsonii has been assumed. Primers for the exons 8–10 polymorphic region have been designed. In silico PCR has been conducted.

Keywords: gene Wx, maize, bioinformatic analysis

TSitologiya i Genetika
2014, vol. 48, no. 3, 18-23

Current Issue
Cytology and Genetics
2014, vol. 48, no. 3, 150–154,
doi: 10.3103/S0095452714030037

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