Investigation of the sampling of 2907 cows from 17 farms of three regions of the Non-chernozem zone of the European part of Russia showed that kappa-caseine synthesis is controlled by two allelic genes - æ-CnА and æ-CnВ. The average frequency of the æ-CnА was 0,689; of the æ-CnВ - 0,311; in factory herds - 0,718 and 0,282, respectively; in reproductive herds - 0,714 and 0,286, respectively; in market herds - 0,629 and 0,371, respectively. The high frequency of æ-CnВ allele (0,331) has been revealed in subpopulation of cholmogoric cattle of the Komi Republic. In the herds of cholmogoric cattle of the flood-plains of Pechora river æ-CnВ frequency reached 0,520 and 0,575. The assumption is made about selective role of polymorphism and necessity of rational use of gene pool of domestic cattle.