Cytology and Genetics ,
vol. ,
no. , ,
Segregation at the Gli-B1 locus was studied in F2 seeds of common wheat from crosses between near-isogenic lines with respect to this locus. Segregations differed from the expected ratio in hybrids involving the lines with the allele Gli-B1l (Gli-B1-3), which is a marker for the 1BL/1RS translocation, as well as in the hybrid between the lines with the alleles Gli-B1b (1) and Gli-B1e (4). Reduced transmission of the chromosome with the 1BL/1RS translocation through pollen was observed in the hybrids involving the line with this translocation. In the cross GLI-B1-1 x GLI-B1-4, the significantly lower frequency of female gametes with the allele Gli-B1e (4) was detected. This is due to linkage of the Gli-B1 locus to a factor responsible for segregation distortion in female gametes. We proposed to designate this locus Sd3. The line with the gliadin block Gli-B1e differs in alleles at the Sd3 locus from the lines with the blocks Gli-B1b and Gli-B1o.