TSitologiya i Genetika, 2007, no. 5

Klimishin D.O., Gromyko O.M., Fedorenko V.O.
The use of intergeneric conjugation Escherichia coli – Streptomyces for transfer of recombinant DNA into S.nogalater IMET43360 strain
Kusemensky A.V.
Effect of cumulative polymery for the genes of tomato keeping quality
Effects of vernalization duration control genes (Vrd) on agronomical traits in winter bread wheat
Emelyanov V.I., Dmitriev A.P.
The induced increase of chitinase activity in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) cells
Dyomina E.A., Ryabchenko N.M., Baryliak I.R.
Human individual radiosensitivity: cytogenetical aspects
Kovaleva N.V., Tahmasebi-Hesari M.
Detection of gonadal mosaicism in parents of offspring with Down syndrome
Kaydashev I.P., Rasin A.M., Shlykova O.A., Gorbas I.M., Smirnova I.P., Petrushov A.V., Rasin M.S.
Frequency of the Pro12Ala gene polymorphism PPARγ2 in ukrainian population and its possible role in metabolic syndrome development
Kovalenko O.О., Lukash L.L.
Induction of apoptosis in the populations of mammalian cells in vitro under the influence of lectins
Mosyakin S.L., Bezusko L.G., Mosyakin A.S.
Origins of native vascular plants of Antarctica: comments from a historical phytogeography viewpoint
Nersesyan A.K.
Possible role of the micronucleus assay in diagnostics and secondary prevention of cervix cancer: a minireview
Maletsky S.I., Yudanova S.S.
Germ track and stem cells in higher plants